Reward Levels
Understanding Plutus Reward Levels

Understanding Plutus Reward Levels

What are Plutus Reward Levels?

Plutus Reward Levels are designed to enhance your experience by providing additional perks and higher reward rates based on the amount of PLU you stack. By holding PLU in your account, you unlock various benefits that can significantly boost your rewards and offer more flexibility in how you use the Plutus platform.

Available Reward Levels:

  • Noob: 1 PLU
  • Researcher: 100 PLU
  • Explorer: 200 PLU
  • Adventurer: 500 PLU
  • Chad: 1,000 PLU
  • Hero: 2,000 PLU
  • Veteran: 3,000 PLU
  • Legend: 10,000 PLU
  • Myth: 20,000 PLU
  • GOAT: 30,000 PLU
  • HoneyBadger: 40,000 PLU

Each level offers unique benefits, including additional Perks and increased reward rates. Check the specific Perks available for each level to make the most of your PLU holdings.

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